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Re:Need Help regarding Internet Security ..-reply

Mirick, James R. ,

Some of the member in the list give me good suggestions
(such as Pierre, Scott, Tom Cooper etc) on regarding the
above.  Thanks guys. 

And you probably assumed people like myself does not know
what I am asking or understand.

Probably, you assume you are intelligent as such you see these
kind of questions should not be posted in this list, then  you
should join lists of computer genius group, NOT this list. 

EXIST IN FIRST PLACE, right. ***  Each one of us has their
strong and weak points. So face it.

If you know the answer of my questions, I challenge you to
answer every one of them in depth/details instead turn away?
provided of course, if you know the answer.

And if you do not know the answer, why don't you keep quiet
instead of telling the me turn somewhere else.

I hope this post does not flame anyone, just expressing 
my opinion and for those who might think to post questions
to this list, REMEMBER some people might not like it if your
questions is basic/stupid such as our friend MR Mirick.
